Российский фонд

Физический факультет
МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова


Shkapov P.M.


Barkin M.Yu., Shkapov P.M., Hanada Hideo «The Physical Librations of the Moon Caused by its Tidal Deformations» Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Серия: Естественные науки, № 2, http://www.vestniken.ru/eng/catalog/math/mathphys/863.html (2019)

The Moon, like Earth, is not completely solid, and experiences deformation changes, for example due to the tides, caused by the gravitational pull of the Earth's orbit in a complex and resonant nature of the motion of the Moon. It is shown that these deformations lead to temporary variations of Moon inertia tensor components and consequently to the variations in the movement of the poles of the Moon, as well as to the variations of axial rotation. The indicated variations module is in the order of 10–12 mas (millisecond of arc). There variations are important for the development of the high-precision theory of lunar physical libration, suitable for modern projects for the reclamation of the Moon, in particular the Japanese project ILOM, which contemplates installing the telescope on the lunar surface and determining its orientation accuracy of the order of 1–0.1 msd, as well as the Russian lunar program, providing the launch of five automatic stations to the Moon in 2019–2024. DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2019-2-4-16

Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Серия: Естественные науки, № 2, http://www.vestniken.ru/eng/catalog/math/mathphys/863.html (2019) | Рубрики: 17 18

Shlapunov A.A.


Mera A., Shlapunov A.A., Tarkhanov N. «Уравнения Навье–Стокса для эллиптических комплексов» Журнал Сибирского Федерального университета. Математика и физика, 12, № 1, с. 3-27 (2019)

We continue our study of invariant forms of the classical equations of mathematical physics, such as the Maxwell equations or the Lam'e system, on manifold with boundary. To this end we interpret them in terms of the deRham complex a tacer tainstep .On using the structure of the complex weget an insight to predict a degeneracy deeply encoded in the equations. In the present paper we develop an invariant approach to the classical Navier–Stokes equations.

Журнал Сибирского Федерального университета. Математика и физика, 12, № 1, с. 3-27 (2019) | Рубрика: 04.01