Российский фонд

Физический факультет
МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова


Rogozinsky G.G.


Rogozinsky G.G., Fadeyev D.R., Fadeyev A.A., Smirnov A.V., Ivanova Yu.I. «The method of psychoacoustic model adaptation to wavelet domain based on quantization matrix» T-Comm: Телекоммуникации и транспорт, 13, № 4, с. 64-69 (2019)

The paper presents the authors' recent research in adaptation of the psychoacoustic model of ISO MPEG AAC to the Discrete Wavelet Packet algorithm of lossy audio coding. Wavelet Transform-based digital audio compression possesses several advances in the context of compact representation of transients and non-harmonic components. Meanwhile, one of the well-known issues of application of wavelets for the audio compression is poor accuracy of existing psychoacoustic models obtained for wavelet domain. The authors discovered the complex distribution of wavelet coefficients quantization noise across the spectrum due to significant cross-band aliasing between wavelet decomposition tree subbands. The authors also obtained the wavelet quantization noise function related to the analysis bands of MPEG AAC Psychoacoustic Model. The described approach provided the method of quantization matrix calculation, which is useful for exact estimation of masking threshold during lossy wavelet coefficients coding. The obtained results allow increasing the accuracy of existing compression models based on wavelet transform, therefore gaining the efficiency of digital audio compression with reviewed transforms. Ключевые слова: цифровая компрессия звука с потерями, вейвлеты, квантование, психоакустическая модель.

T-Comm: Телекоммуникации и транспорт, 13, № 4, с. 64-69 (2019) | Рубрика: 13.05

Rudenko O.V.


Rudenko O.V., Soluyan S.I. Theoretical Foundations of Nonlinear Acoustics (1977). 274 с.

Theoretical Foundations of Nonlinear Acoustics (1977). 274 с. | Рубрики: 02 05

Rudenko O.V. Nonlinear Acoustics. Chapter S in the Book: Formulas of Acoustics (2002)

Nonlinear Acoustics. Chapter S in the Book: Formulas of Acoustics (2002) | Рубрики: 02 05

Novikov B.K., Rudenko O.V., Timoshenko V.I. Nonlinear Underwater Acoustics (1987). 262 с.

Nonlinear Underwater Acoustics (1987). 262 с. | Рубрики: 02 05

Gurbatov S.N., Rudenko O.V. Statistical Phenomena . Ch. 13 in the Book: Nonlinear Acoustics (1998)

Statistical Phenomena . Ch. 13 in the Book: Nonlinear Acoustics (1998) | Рубрики: 02 05

Rudenko O.V. Nonlinear phenomena in high-intensity noise fields (2004)

Nonlinear phenomena in high-intensity noise fields (2004) | Рубрики: 02 05

Gurbatov S.N., Rudenko O.V., Hedberg C.M. Nonlinear Acoustics through Problems and Examples (2010). 184 с.

The fundamentals of nonlinear acoustics are presented in form of problems followed by solutions, explanations and answers. As distinct from existing textbooks, this book of problems not only helps the reader to become familiar with nonlinear wave processes and the methods of their description, but contributes to mastering calculation procedures and obtaining numerical estimates of the most significant parameters. Thereby, skills are acquired which are indispensable for carrying out original scientific research. This book can be useful to undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers working in the field of nonlinear wave physics and acoustics. Перевод учебного пособия на ангийский язык, дополненный новым материалом. Пособие основано на курсах лекций, прочитанных в России (МГУ, ННГУ), а также в ряде университетов США, Японии, Швеции. Содержит как задачи, так и решения к ним. Книга автономна. Она позволяет изучить физику интенсивных акустических волн, не обращаясь к другим учебным пособиям и монографиям. Решения и задачи посвящены не только классическим проблемам нелинейной акустики, но и к современным, развивающимся направлениям.

Nonlinear Acoustics through Problems and Examples (2010). 184 с. | Рубрики: 02 05

Gurbatov S.N., Rudenko O.V., Saichev A.I. Waves and Structures in Nonlinear Nondispersive Media (2011). 472 с.

Waves and Structures in Nonlinear Nondispersive Media (2011). 472 с. | Рубрики: 02 05

Rudenko O.V., Soluyan S.I. Theoretical Foundations of Nonlinear Acoustics (2013). 274 с.

Theoretical Foundations of Nonlinear Acoustics (2013). 274 с. | Рубрики: 02 05