Российский фонд

Физический факультет
МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова

Известия Уфимского научного центра РАН. 2015


Аганин А.А., Ильгамов М.А., Косолапова Л.А., Малахов В.Г. «Несферическое схлопывание кавитационнго пузырька у стенки с переходом в тороидальную фазу» Известия Уфимского научного центра Российской академии наук, с. 5-11 (2015)

Consideration is given to the evolution of a cavitation bubble close to a wall with transition into the toroidal phase of motion. The liquid around the bubble is ideal incompressible, its flow being potential. A numerical technique has been realized, based on the stepwise method of tracking the movement of the contour in time and the boundary element method. In this technique, the bubble evolution is divided into two temporal periods. The first one lasts till the moment of impact of the cumulative jet arising in the course of compression on the opposite side of the bubble surface, the second one includes the motion of the toroidal bubble generated as a result of this impact. A comparison with the numerical and experimental results of other authors has been made. The performance capabilities of the technique are illustrated by solving the problem of collapse of a spherical bubble initially slightly distant from a wall. Key words: cavitation bubble, potential liquid flow, boundary element method.

Известия Уфимского научного центра Российской академии наук, с. 5-11 (2015) | Рубрики: 04.15 06.01