Российский фонд

Физический факультет
МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова


Ryabukha N.S.


Vysikaylo P.I., Ryabukha N.S. «Gravitational and Coulomb Potentials Interference in Heliosphere» Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Серия: Естественные науки, № 6, с. 93-121 (2020)

Interference of gravitational and Coulomb potentials in the entire heliosphere is considered, it is being manifested in generation of two opposite flows of charged particles: 1) that are neutral or with a small charge to the Sun, and 2) in the form of a solar wind from the Sun. According to the Einstein–Smoluchowski relation Te(R)=eDee∼(E/N)0.75 based on the N experimental values (heavy particles number density – the ne electron concentration), the Te electron temperature in the entire heliosphere was for the first time analytically calculated depending on the charge of the Sun and distance to it R. Calculated values of the registered ion parameters in the solar wind were compared with experimental observations. Reasons for generating the ring current in inhomogeneous heliosphere and inapplicability of the Debye theory in describing processes in the solar wind (plasma with current) are considered. DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2020-6-93-121

Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Серия: Естественные науки, № 6, с. 93-121 (2020) | Рубрика: 18