Российский фонд

Физический факультет
МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова

11.04 Акустика духовых инструментов


Максимюк В.А., Сущенко Е.А., Фетисов И.Б. «Методика измерения динамических характеристик исполнения музыкальных произведений на ударных инструментах средствами тензометрии» Прикладная механика, 56, № 2, с. 71-77 (2020)

The experimental technique for studying the temporal and amplitude characteristics of the music works performance on percussion is suggested. An idea of the non-isochronous rhythm in the Ukrainian folk dance music is confirmed experimentally. A role of intensity in forming the construction of running through and rhythmical pattern of the particular measures is demonstrated. The question is formed on the different types of interaction between the duration and intensity within the musical performance as a key means of musical expression in playing the percussion.

Прикладная механика, 56, № 2, с. 71-77 (2020) | Рубрики: 11.04 11.05 11.08